How to get government support and funding
In Ontario, adults with intellectual disabilities may apply to receive support or funding through the Ontario government by contacting Developmental Services Ontario (DSO).
DSO confirms a person's eligibility for services and assists a person and their family to get an assessment and register for the services they want.
You can contact DSO on your own, or CLW can help you get in touch with them for free.
Examples of Services or Funding Provided

Passport funding. Eligible adults with developmental disabilities in Ontario receive a minimum of $5,500 in Passport funding, which can be used for community participation services and supports.

Community Participation. Eligible adults may be matched with resources that facilitate meaningful community connections like recreation, volunteering, life skills, and employment opportunities.

Caregiver Respite. Caregivers can apply for respite (both in-home and out-of-home) so that they can take a break and recharge.

Housing Supports. Eligible adults can be matched to small group living supports, supported independent living, or host family supports. At CLW we have provided all these supports for decades.

Individual Model. People and families can put together plans, typically with an independent planner or facilitator, to build an individualized model of support.

Employment. Eligible adults can get assistance with their employment supports, including pre-job coaching, job placement assistance, and help once they have found work.

Person-Directed Planning. Apply for assistance to plans and customize the supports you want so that you can create your best life within your community.

Specialized Services. Apply for services like behaviour support or adult protective service workers.
Need Help?
Community Living Windsor provides a FREE service to help you with your application. You'll meet a real person who can help guide you right from the start. Once you have your funding, the same person will continue to help you discover what supports you can get from CLW, or how you can customize your own.
Click here to connect with a CLW Personal Service Navigator.