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Prioritizing Innovation, Collaboration, and Advocacy: CLW's Strategic Plan

We are excited to announce our Strategic Plan, which will help to prioritize Community Living Windsor's goals through the next three years. 

Community Living Windsor began working with People Minded Business (PMB), a leader in Developmental Services (DS) sector reform and strategic planning, in 2023 to help prepare our Strat Plan.  Through surveys and focus groups, PMB and CLW sought feedback from key stakeholders, including employees, people supported, and families.   CLW also looked externally at factors affecting the DS sector, specifically, Journey to Belonging: Choice and Inclusion (click for more information).

CLW and PMB used the feedback we received and our current knowledge and understanding of Journey to Belonging to create a set of Priorities (goals) for the Agency over the next three years. 

The Priorities of Community Living Windsor’s Strategic Plan are:

Priority 1: Increase the Power of Choice for the People We Support and their Families.

Intent:  Working with our employees and the union, and in line with Journey to Belonging, we will innovate new, attractive service choices for people and families.

Priority 2: Improve the work-life experience of CLW employees.

Intent:  We will work with employees and our union partners to create new ways for them to share insights, have meaningful impacts on the organization’s direction, and benefit from well-being opportunities at work and home.

Priority 3: Amplify People’s Voices.

Intent:  CLW will focus on amplifying the voices of the people we support and their families, both internally and externally, through listening to and sharing with all our communities.

These Priorities are supported by multiple Objectives and Key Results (SMART goals) to ensure we are able to make meaningful progress over the next three years and achieve the goals we have set out today. 

There will be more information to come on the Objectives and Key Results, as well as how you can get involved.  We will need YOUR help and feedback!



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