Why are we talking about Potassium Iodide (KI) pills?
Is there a new or increased risk? No.
Does this have to do with world politics? No.
The Canadian government has mandated that all Canadians living within the “primary zone” of a nuclear installation (nuclear powerplant) must have KI tablets available in their homes.
While the “primary zone” for the Enrico-Fermi 2 Nuclear Generating Plant, located in Newport, Michigan, only extends into a small section of Amherstburg. The “secondary zone” for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Oak Harbor, Ohio, and the “secondary zone” for Enrico-Fermi 2 cover almost all of Windsor-Essex County.
The Windsor Essex County Health Unit has made KI pills available online or in person to anyone living in the “primary” or “secondary” zones. Click the link here for more information.
We want to share this information with you on both a personal and professional level, and state again that this is not related to any increased risk factors.
Personally, we hope that the recent email (view the memo here) that was sent out and this blog post have brought some information and understanding to help you decide whether or not KI pills are needed for your household.
Professionally, we wanted you to understand why we are distributing KI pills to all support locations and why we are in the process of updating our Emergencies Procedure. There is no increased risk or threat, just an opportunity to be prepared.
If you’d like more information about KI pills click here for some common questions and answers from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.