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Unlocking Success: How Key Results help us to achieve our Strategic Plan

If you haven't yet, be sure to check out our Strategic Plan Introduction video (here) and the blog post introducing the Strat Plan (here) and going into more detail about the Objectives (here). 

Now we are going to look at Key Results Key Results are the tasks that we will be working on over the next 3 years.  As we complete a Key Result, it moves us one step close to completing the related objective, which puts us closer to completing a Priority.               

Let’s see a sample of how this looks for our Strategic Plan (these are not all the objectives or key results in this priority) Priority 2 – Improve the Work-Life Experience of CLW Employees

Objective - Implement an active plan in support of employee’s health, including mental health.

        Key Result - Create and conduct 2 stay interviews a month starting.

      Key Result - Develop a guide and standardized procedures for mangers to provide staff recognition/acknowledgment.

Objective - Improve and expand employee communication in ways that work for them.

Key Result - Annual employee survey to collect perspectives and opinions.

Key Result - Develop communication plan for regular updates from senior management (beyond policy - what’s going on in the Agency and the DS sector).


But where do YOU (people supported, families, and staff) come in?

There may be opportunities over the course of our Strategic Plan (remember it is 3 years long) to join committees and sit in on meetings to contribute and share ideas and help make decisions.  There will be plenty of times we will be seeking feedback and opinions, and you will have opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations about the direction we are heading.  There may even be times when you, or a team you are apart of, are asked to pilot (trial) a new idea or initiative and provide feedback and share your experience. 

We will continue to communicate regularly, and share meaningful opportunities for you to get involved! At ANY point in time throughout the Strategic Plan, if you have questions, ideas, feedback, please feel free to reach out –


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